Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Pandemic has it's own Blog now

I'm not really the guy to come to for Swine Flu news but I can direct you to the latest and greatest info that can be found on the net. Swine Flu Pandemic is a new blog started by a good friend on mine and I encourage you all to check it out. I have a few supplies added to Bullseye's Survival Gear Store that you may be interested in as we continue to prep for this latest enemy that has now shown it's ugly face. Be sure to check them out on my new side bar widget. I have ordered gas masks for the whole family now and suggest you get some if you can. We can never be too safe.

This is Bullseye... OUT !!!


Catman said...

Very nice store, Bullseye. I may be shopping there soon.

Mayberry said...

Good stuff there Bullseye. Yer on the ball my friend!

Bullseye said...

Big E, you got that right, keep it handy. Thanks.

Catman, thanks buddy, I'm open 24/7 too,lol.

Mayberry, thanks buddy, I try.

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

I say for the cover of 'the calendar' we do a group shot-- all donned out in masks!LOLOLOL!

Bullseye said...

Cygnus, I'm in man. Full face mask and 9mm's. LOL