Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seed for thought

All of you preppers out there know the importance of food storage. Some have a 1, 2, or even a 3 year supply safely stored and ready for use. If you are one of these, I commend you on your effort. But as Survivalist know, the key to long term survival is having a means to replenish that food supply. In a survival situation those 1,2 and 3 years will click by much faster than one may think if the shelves are getting thinner by the day. If you have the means and the space for a garden, and have saved your heirloom seeds, then you are by all means, ahead of the game. Heirloom seeds will germinate and grow into another plant that seeds may be saved from, this process can and has continued for many years.

In doing a little research on heirloom seeds I ran across this web site that offers a good deal on a variety pack of seeds. Or at least it looks like a good deal to me. If like me, you haven't saved as many seeds as you would have liked to or would like more variety, check them out. I'm sure there are many that offer seeds but I just kinda like these guys.

Here's what's in the current 25 variety, 1 pound package:

One large envelope each of: Go to our Seed Planting Guide

01. Slenderette Beans

02. Golden Wax Beans

03. Green Arrow Peas

04. Golden Bantam Sweet Corn0

5. Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans

06. Detroit Dark Red Beets

07. Nantes Coreless Carrots

08. Marketmore 76 Cucumber

09. Cherry Belle Radish

10. Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach

11. Waltham 29 Broccoli

12. Copenhagen Market Early Cabbage

13. Hales Best Jumbo Cantaloupe

14. Green Flesh Honey Dew Melon

15. Iceberg Head Lettuce

16. Super Sioux Heirloom Tomato (or San Martine Roma Tomato)

17. Bonnie Best Tomato

18. Sugar Pie Pumpkin

19. Dark Green Zucchini Summer Squash

20. Crimson Sweet Watermelon.

21. Bouquet Dill

22. California Wonder Pepper

23. National Pickler Cucumber

24. Prizehead Lettuce

25. Ambrosia Sweet Corn
Total 25 varieties, gross weight 1 pound.

Save a seed today and maybe a live tomorrow.

This is Bullseye.....Out !!!


riverwalker said...

I have some seed stored but not nearly enough. Thanks for a great article about this need to put back seeds.


Anonymous said...

they made a mistake ambrosia corn is a hybrid plant.i thought it was and checked with other seed companies.

Mayberry said...

You got it m'man. And you also need someplace to plant the stuff.....

Bullseye said...

RW, I don't have enough either, but I'm gonna order some more. We have to start saving seeds to survive.

Anonymous, I never would have caught that. Thanks for pointing that out, gonna have to let them know too.

Mayberry, Missed ya man. Maybe some junk land with some contaioners.

Thanks for the comments,


Ken said...

...like many,i dont think i have enuff seed...quick question: in y'alls opinion,is a 'bulk' pack any better/worse than the small packets i have been saving ?...i was looking at it this way,if,for whatever reason the 'store' of seeds gets compromised,i have a better chance of salvaging some if they're indivdual packs...!?!?!?

Bullseye said...

Ken, good question. I think these are in individual packets, not 1 big 1 lb bag, of at least that's what I gather from it. I keep smaller packets too, in different places. Maybe some mater seeds here and some over there. Spread them out in different places so if I have a problem I don't loose them all.

Thanks Buddy,
