Nuclear Biological and Chemical Survival Kit GIVEAWAY !!!
1 New M61 Finnish Mask and Filter (Brand New Never Used ) With adjustable Head Straps. (One Size Fits Most )
1 Pair of Cloth Gloves
1 Pair Heavy Duty Plastic Gloves
2 Packages of Cloth Cleaning Pads
1 Bottle of Potassium Iodide Powder
1 Instruction Booklet (Not in English)
1 Olive Color Carrying Bag with Straps
These kits are Military Surplus from the Finnish Army and were never used. They are in Brand New Condition and would be a great addition to any ones preps. I bought 4 for my family today and picked up a couple extra to give away. I will be giving the NBC Survival Kit to one of my lucky readers on June 1 2009. Who knows, by that time they may be worth a thousand dollars or more. lol
OK, so here are the Rules and Rag Ulations ! Sorry but got to have them.
You can enter by leaving a comment on this post only. Only 1 comment per day will count (just trying to make it fair for all) You can leave a comment each day until 12 midnight on April 30th. LOL, My bad, Make that May 31st. Each comment will be issued a number, if you are the first to leave a comment you will be issued the number 1, be the 50th and you're number 50 and so on. I will be using a Random Number Generator that will choose a number between 1 and however many comments we get to choose a number. If you are that number, YOU WIN !! One June 1st I will post the winner. Email me your address and I will send it away.
I will be leaving this post up until Monday and then will have a link to it on the side bar so you can have easy access to it each day. Just leave a comment is all you have to do. Just say hello or count me in, whatever just leave a comment each day. The more times you enter the better your chance to win.
I just want to show my appreciation to all of you for always being so kind in your comments and for encouraging me along the way. It is YOU that makes this blog fun and worthwhile to me. Thank you and Good Luck.
Want a second chance to win? We are giving one of these away over at Kentucky Preppers Network too. Jump over there and enter to win that one too.
Get your Survival Seed Vault here.
Get your Survival Gear here.
This is Bullseye... OUT !!!

First! Kewl giveaway, BTW.
Oh the random generator! Drat...I am in- so my fingers are crossed. What a great idea!!!
New Mexico Prepper
Hey, how about posting the dosage for oregano oil? All the info I can find is on the capsules. Thanks.
Nothing ventured nothing gained, I'm in.
Well, I stand a decent chance!lol!
Hell, It won't matter... a day without a Bullseye fix.. is broke and needs one!
LOL [lots of love], Brother...
Damn fine work-- and give-away!
much love...
Count me in.
Ok, I'm sorta in.
I like this idea so much I'm going to do something similar on my own blog soon.
I don't actually need the prize, therefore if I win, I pass my prize onto the next person who posts a comment!
Cool idea, Dragon
Good buy Bull! WE have the Finnish ones too - I look like a fly in mine LOL!
Thats a nice one for giveaway! thanks!
...yep...i feel lucky...
"luck has nuthin' to do with it"
...yes it does !...will someone please tell the voices/random keystrokes that luck is involved...
...pardon me...
Great idea, buddy! Count me in!
I find about about this at four o'clock in the morning, two days after registration has closed.
True to form Busted.
Good on ya dude, that is a cool thing to do.
By April 30? Hmm,... is that an "Oopsie"?
Oh- color me in if it is.
So Bulls'
If I restore my computer's registry pryer to April 30TH do I automaticly win? (just BS'n ya)
I was wondering about the April thing too - LOL. Seems no one made that deadline.
Back again! Thanks for the giveaway.
Day 2 entry!! Still have my fingers crossed!
New Mexico Prepper
Hey Bull - I always post but we do not need the masks as we have ours - so don't count us in - make sure someone that needs it gets it!
Great idea Bull!
Day 2 entry
Y'know, This is a win-win; we get some cool stuffs if we win, and Bullseye gets, like, a million comments on one "day's" post! HAR!
Hmm.. maybe I oughta consider giving away something...lets see.. OH! WE got an abundance of 'skeeters here, what with all the recent rains and all!!
ok ok... i'll keep brainstorming LOL!
Love it, Bulls my man!!!
Count me in! You're awesome :)
Can't believe everything I miss while I'm away! Cool man, count me in, just because I like to play...But if I win, please donate to someone for me. Thanks!
Now that's a prize worth winning, my friend!! Count me in.
Day 3...I am still trying.
I am giving this a chance. come on 26.
Only 99.99 for shipping and handling! I'm in!
comment #2 for me...
Have a good one,
One more time.
Comment #4 ~~am I a junkie sitting in front of a slot machine, adding coins...because I know that the win is right around the corner?
Oh well- thanks for the giveaway. Perhaps the New Mexico Preppers shall have to have a give away...sadly NM is a bit more humble...yet who doesn't like a giveaway???
New Mexico Prepper
Count me in!
My email
The rules didn't mention overseas, so I'm hoping I'm eligible. Bravo to you Bullseye.
Man I'm falling behind in this. I need to catch up.! lol
comment my word of wisdom for today(well keep in mind the light in the fridge is really part of a conspiracy. Be very cautious when opening and closing the fridge otherwise you will have brain eating bacteria consume you. Hey it works for my diet so shush...
I'm in again.
Send me the goodies!!!
I'm starting to sound like I'm on welfare. LOL.
Count me in again
Ha ha--I forgot I could leave another comment on another day, so I'm back to leave another comment today :) Count me in again!
i so would love to have this in my survival
i so would love to have this in my survival
Guess who's here again?
Comment#6 do you realize I have been more faithful to commenting here than watering my indoor plants? No wonder they die! I give up way before day six!
One more time.
Well, I remembered to come back and comment again. :) 46 is my lucky number! Pick me!
Hi...its me again...I am loving this site and I sure hope to win this gas mask! also after reading the comments,if anyone wants to donate if they win--pick me,me,me! lol
count me in again man
Kids - awake - me again!
Comment # 7
I have seven siblings...3 are brothers...I am not even sure I need a NBC kit after spending my childhood with them. Kids today have no idea what kids did in the late sixties and seventies. I can say this, now we give them a padded room with game systems...boy they are missing out!!!
Oh and for any military: " My eyes are open and my arms are flapping"!!!
In again.
# 52 on the vote # 1 in the heart, if I winm one or two of these babies. Can't read Swedish or Finnish but I can figure it out.
Back again...see you Monday!
Comment #8 I do have a life, I have just forgotten where I placed it...
Nice Gas Mask
Pretty sad huh? I am back!!
Home early...doing the rounds! lol
ok man, I'm back
Up and at 'er already!!
Yep. It. is. ME. again.
again, again, again . . .
How badly do you think I want to win? lol
Hmm, it is Tuesday...I am here at Bullseye's again.
Life out in the desert is pretty s---l---o---w!!
Okay, maybe 65 is my lucky number . . . :)
Well I don't think prepping is thought necessary in my neck of the woods (go Blue!), but I feel differently!
Doing the morning rounds....
Have a good one,
one more time
In again...
I'll be #70 I guess. Great looking gear item!
I'm back for another comment. Maybe 71 is my lucky number :)
Meeeeeeeeeeeeee again!
I'm getting tired of doing this.
I'm back!
dropping a comment again
My name is Cathy...and I'm a blog-giveaway addict! lol
la la la
Another day, another comment. Well, at least another day that I remembered to comment . . . :)
back again
Ok I am back...
One more time.
three in a row.
Full house- two HW and three bitmaps
I'll raise you a Bitmap.
Yeah, I know...guess who's back in town! Remind me NOT to order my plants on-line ever again...okay?! lol
Call, Bitmap!
Here again!
BTW: love the new header!!
IN again
Schweeet giveaway!
glad to see everyone here again.
i am in again
Glad to see everyone here again.
this contest is taking forever.
count me in again
and ever
Looks like I'm gonna needs do a giveaway of me own---
WOW! (( other comments!
And, I be a century?!!
When Hell freezeth over! HA!! lol!
Cool, Bra...
Sign me up
Holy in the 100's! Just got back home...
Yes I am in again....
Bullseye-- you rock for doing this! I am putting together a giveaway...I sure wish it was as grand as yours isn't. It will be a promised Double Nickel Farm Original:)
Here again!!!!
yep, I am back
Im back for some giveaway
one more time...
I'm glad there are only a few more days of this.
Bullseye, how much did this improve your stats? I would try something like this myself, but the only thing I have to give away is a bag of organic fertilizer.
I'm back!
I am not even sure I am in to win anymore, as I am to finish the dangable challenge of entering so many times!!!
New Mexico Prepper
Hey Bitmap...sounds like a Crappy Giveaway! You should do it!!
I'm all about winning free stuff.
Here again...
Humble Wife, I'd probably get in trouble for it. Between sending a hazardous material through the mail, and the fact that fertilizer can be used to make bombs, plus the fact that I'm one of those right wing extremists, well, I'd hate to get to know the local batf boys.
Hey Bitmap- I thought that when I wrote it...I knew you weren't serious so I had fun.
These times pretty much make even humor crappy!
Oh well I am in once again:)
count me in again...Just because I like to play...IF I win, please give to the 2nd place winner
In before the Humble Wife today.
Yes, Bitmap- but in spirit I was before YOU:)
Here's keeping my finger's crossed, and prayers for your daughter too.
Prayers for your little one...
Good news about your wee one!
I am in for the second to last time!
Glad to hear your young gal is on the mend. I would love to have a NBC Kit because Sweetie feels it's a bit over the top for us to spend money on!!! Go figure, when we're loaded up with so much more preps. Enjoy you blog though I'm not much of a commenter. I'll have to work on that! Treesong
Yay...I am in for the final time!
New Mexico prepper
I guess I will register too. If you don't enter, you can't win!
(Lazy Sunday = AC/DC + Cold Bud)
I have been drinking beer all day trying to cure a massive hangover from a wedding I went to yesterday and I just got through listening to THUNDERSTRUCK .
I think not.
Count me in!
Here's one more in the ring...
Good deal, Keep up the good work
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